Personal Finance – 7 Sure-Fire Ways to Budget and Cut Your Spending
We would all like more money in our pockets – but money is not so easy to come by. Unless you get a better paid job or win some money on the lottery you going to have to find other ways of getting money. Learning how to budget your finances properly will certainly leave you with more spare cash at the end of the month.
Before you have even allocate yourself a budget, make sure you are not throwing money away on unnecessary items.
1. Direct Debits and Standing Orders
These are your regular monthly payments or subscriptions. Take a look at your outgoings online, get a bank statement or call your bank for this information. Take a good look at it and really decide whether they are actually worth it anymore. For example, that gym membership you rarely use or DVD company you subscribe too every month. Cutting out the unnecessary spending such as this will make your finances feel lighter.
2. Reduce Unnecessary Daily Spending
Have a look over your daily spending habits carefully. By forfeiting your daily takeaway coffee you will be that little bit richer by the end of the week. If you are a regular smoker then consider cutting right down or kicking the habit completely. Instead of going out for a meal every week, open a bottle of wine and cook a nice meal at home. You could even cycle to work rather than taking the car everyday.
3. Claim All Benefits Due
By filling in a few simple forms you could be claiming the benefits that you may be entitled to. Check out your local authority website for details and make enquires today.
4. Claim Back Bank Charges
If you have paid overdraft charges to your bank in the last few years it may be possible to reclaim these charges back. Again, look on the web for details of how and when to claim.
5. Get Overpaid Tax Back
No one likes giving away their money to the taxman but it is the law and a fact of life we have to live with. Investigate whether you are due a tax rebate – you may have been paying far too much tax for quite some time.
6. Track Down Unclaimed Cash
Bit of a long shot but you may have unclaimed cash sitting waiting for you. Maybe lost share certificates or old pensions, investments or even a childhood bank account that you may have forgotten about.
7. Sell Your Junk
What you consider junk could be another mans treasure. Hold a garage or yard sale and clear out the old stuff you never use anymore. Kids toys that they are too old for, old cycles and clothes which you never wear. You will be very surprised exactly what you will sell.
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